Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I disagree on how people think it doesn't exist. That it didn't happen. Why would someone make this up. Why would there be buildings still standing where they were murdered an trapped. There is so much proof that Hitler put Jews in these camps you can't deny it. They have pictures they have remains, they have survivors that fought through this whole journey. Millions of Jews died, they DIED! How could someone make that up. You cant just deny it happen , you cant just say the faked millions of deaths. That all those dead people just piled upon each other never happened. You are in denial, this didn't happen to plant a seed of doubt about the Jews and the Holocaust, it wasn't to draw attention to a particular view point or issues.  It was because we had a sick and horrible human being rise up to power , brain washing the people who follow him to believe he would make them live a better life. He had such hatred for the Jews that he rose a group of nazis to contain the jews and lead them to there death bed. People around knew this was happening and the only reason they would deny it would be because they could comprhend or handle what was happening around them they were scared.

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