Monday, October 17, 2011

life law 10!!

I am on the road of success. The path looks a little rough and their are some sticks i may trip over along the road. There is a lot of construction and very little smooth. My friends and family are traveling on this road with me (i feel sorry for them). My destination is unknown right now but in the end i hope it is what makes me happy.In the end i do want kids, family a house and a good job . My road blocks are making decisions and trusting people, school, and a lot more that i cant explain. I mostly stand in my way. I can get out of this mess by stay strong and not giving up on my goal and not straying onto other paths.

Friday, October 14, 2011

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

When a friend breaks your trust it's worst than a stranger because your friends know what bothers you and what they are suppose to keep secret and it's like they know better. But if a stranger breaks your trust or does something that angers you don't really bother it b because they don't know what makes you mad or what bothers you so it is much easier to forgive them. When a friend breaks your trust or does something that bothers you it feels like betrayal so it is way worse and harder to forgive.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weather you think you can or think you can't, you're right!

What this means to me is that if you believe you can't than you will already have the mind set that you will not be able to it, which makes you NOT TRY to your ability. If you do think you can then you can because your mind is set on it, which make you TRY because you already know you can do it.

 Also another thing i want to reflect on in Life Law Six is The Lens we use. I think that everybody has a different way on taking things and seeing things. It's all the way we were taught, and what events happened in our live that had made us view thing differently.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life Law Five

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way", What it is saying is take chances even if it is risky.
It is making myself want more and taking the action to get it. Don't be afraid of doing things. You can't let other peoples opinion get  in the way. Do what you want to do don't be afraid to do it because you are scared of hurting someone as long as you know it is whats best for you to do then do it. You don't want to live a life with regrets.

Life Law Five

If you make a decision you must act to it. Don't miss opportunities,if you never try you will never succeed.
Make sure you do what you want to do say everything you want to say before you never have a chance to do or say.